Chairperson(s) : Sang-Hyun Kim (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Byung Jin Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Panel(s) : Sangwoo Park (University of Ulsan, Republic of Korea) Minjae Yoon (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Ki-Hyun Jeon (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Jung Hyun Choi (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
Lipoprotein(a) metabolism: unlocking its secrets
Jang Hoon Lee Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea 13:00~13:15 -
Unveiling the dark side: LP(a)-associated OxPLs and their role in fueling atherosclerosis
Youngwoo Jang Gachon University, Republic of Korea 13:15~13:30 -
Beyond genetics: unraveling the mutlifaceted influences shaping LP(a) concentrations
Sang Min Park Eulji University, Republic of Korea 13:30~13:45 -
Navigating the LP(a) labyrinth: illuminating measurement challenges and methodological odyssey
Sang-Guk Lee Yonsei University, Republic of Korea 13:45~14:00 - Panel Discussion 14:00~14:30
Chairperson(s) : 김재택 (한국지질·동맥경화학회 이사장), 조연희 (한국건강검진학회 회장)
Panel(s) : 곽경근(대한내과의사회), 김철중(조선일보), 김희동 (순천향의대 심장내과), 박지민(보건복지부 건강증진과), 조용인 (인하의대 내분비내과)
Chairperson(s) : Sang-Hak Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Panel(s) : Jae Hyoung Park (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Clinical and molecular risk factors in severe FH
Soo Heon Kwak Seoul National University, Republic of Korea 14:40~15:00 - Discussion 15:00~15:10
The current status of HoFH in Japan
Mariko Harada-Shiba Osaka Medical & Pharmaceutical University, Japan 15:10~15:30 - Discussion 15:30~15:40
Short talk: Prevalence and clinical characteristics of FH in patients with ACS in Japan: insight from the EXPLORE-J study
Yasuaki Takeji Kanazawa University, Japan 15:40~15:48 - Q&A 15:48~15:55
Short talk: Omics markers of FH
Dae Young Cheon Hallym University, Republic of Korea 15:55~16:03 - Q&A 16:03~16:10
Chairperson(s) : Sung Hee Choi (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Panel(s) : Kyuho Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Republic of Korea)
Polygenic background modifies risk of CAD in individuals with HeFH
Injeong Shim Massachusetts General Hospital, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA 16:20~16:40 - Discussion 16:40~16:50
Differential diagnosis of severe hypercholesterolemia in clinical practice
Hayato Tada Kanazawa University, Japan 16:50~17:10 - Discussion 17:10~17:20
Short talk: Effectiveness of Achilles tendon echocardiography in the diagnosis of FH
Shimpei Fujioka Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan 17:20~17:28 - Q&A 17:28~17:35